The danger of solitude

Jun 08, 2022

One particular danger of spending excessive time alone is that an inherent selfishness can develop. The self can become the centre of the universe. The egoistical attitude, “I’ll do it my way” can tragically lead to self destruction. The gift of fraternal correction by others can help us be kept on the right path and shown when we fall. A reference point is lost if we do not have others there to help us. In Genesis God said that it was not good for man to be alone and he made a helper fit for him (Genesis 2:18). In the New Testament, Our Lord sent out disciples in pairs (Mark 6:7) because it is more credible and supportive to be witnesses together. Jesus said where two or three are gather in his there, he would be in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). The books of Corinthians also show the need for more than one: 1 Corinthians 14:29 states: “Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge,” while 2 Corinthians 13:1 reads, “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.”


The fellowship of having warm, close relationships builds us up as human beings. We can be at danger of projecting our problems onto the world if we do not have others to help us understand that people are unique and see the world in completely different ways. Autism is a condition where an individual is engrossed in their own world and desensitized to the needs and lives of others. We can all behave in an autistic manner if we anesthetize our awareness of others by dulling our conscience and cutting ourselves off. Adam went to hide when he was ashamed of sin (Genesis 3:10), likewise we can want to hide when we are overcome with guilt or shame. The point is that at some time we needed to come out of hiding to be fully recognized as sons and daughters of God.


But solitude is also a good quality when used in moderation or through the prompting of the spirit. It can help us confront the reality about ourselves and the world. Time alone with God leaves us naked before him and less predisposed towards delusion and deception. Silence can create a void where God can enter, free from gossip and the clutter of life. Some of the greatest fathers and saints of the Church spend a considerable time in solitude in the desert, praying with the Scriptures with contemplation and meditation. Therefore even bounteous quantities of solitude before God can for those who are strong, be of tremendous benefit.


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